Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

32 Jahre Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

Education for teachers: further teacher training funded by NHB - May 2012

Teachers of several districts exchanged their teachers’ desks with students’ tables for further teacher training. As everywhere, in Nepal too, standards and interest in education shown by the teachers will obviously benefit the students. The three-day course is funded by NHB. The different courses took place in the schools built and maintained by NHB. One of the workshops dealt with handicrafts, drawing, writing and creative art, which 90 teachers of the Sindhupalchok District (42 different schools) attended. The course instructors were book authors, journalists and art teachers. Another course was called “Teaching math playfully”, which 32 teachers from 18 schools took part in. The course instructors came from Nepal’s capital Kathmandu. The training classrooms also built by NHB meet modern technical standards according to Shyam Pandit, the responsible local coordinator and an experienced teacher himself. At the same time 43 teachers of physics, chemistry and geology for secondary schools availed themselves the opportunity to receive further training in the realms of their subjects as well as in school management, presentation techniques and further use of the internet from professors of the Tribhuvan University of Kathmandu.

The feedback to this three-day teachers-training was without exception positive. Teachers commented mostly on the positive experiences and the chance to spread the newly-gained knowledge at their own school. Th is shows once more how important NHB’s support is in different educational issues in Nep



Participants of the teacher training in front of the Lower Secondary School in Kadambas
Course participants show interest