Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

32 Jahre Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

Floods after the earth quake

30th August 2015

Unusable medical equipment
Unusable medical equipment
Only the tops of the ambulance cars protrude from the floods
Only the tops of the ambulance cars protrude from the floods
The assembly hall in the elderly home
The assembly hall in the elderly home

High property damage at hospital and elderly home

Only a few months ago, several heavy earth quakes struck parts of Nepal and caused the deaths of approximately 9,000 victims. The staff of the Siddhi Memorial Hospital in Bhaktapur were indefatigable workers and first contact in various ways for the population. The hospital was destination for uncountable injured victims.

Now the heavy monsoon caused the situation that the team of Shyam Dhaubadel, the manager of the hospital and the neighbouring elderly home, are in need themselves. Both institutions have been significantly financially supported by NHB for many years. No matter if they needed a new operation theatre, medical equipment or vehicles for their fleet, for which the VW-corporate had donated a VW-bus.

This fleet has been a thing of the past since the early hours of the 27th August 2015. At 5 a.m. a two-metre high flood wave hit the old royal city of Bhaktapur. The calmly flowing river Hanumante had burst its banks after persistent downpours. Not only six ambulance cars, but also X-ray and ultrasound equipment, petrol generators, furniture and food – the list can be continued. 

Fortunately, there was no damage to persons. The patients and the inhabitants of the elderly home were taken to higher storeys. Although staff had tried to save as much as possible, they weren’t successful with most medical equipment which got destroyed. According to Shyam Dhaubadel it can’t be forecast how high the damage to property will be, but certainly a six-figure sum (Euro).

The Shaligram Children’s Home in Lubhu, only a few kilometres away from Bhaktapur, wasn’t as heavily damaged as Siddhi Memorial by the downpours. Despite the masses of water on the whole property, sandbags and provisory barriers have managed to prevent the water intrude the living areas. 

After this terrible news the financial support of NHB will have to concentrate not only on the reconstruction of the destroyed schools but also on the hospital and elderly home, which had been enlarged from two to four storeys in the last two years. 

Please don’t hesitate to donate:  
Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.
Volksbank Bayern Mitte eG
IBAN: DE05 7216 0818 0004 6227 07