Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

32 Jahre Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

Calendar "Himalaya 2016" – now available

06th Oct 2015

Ingrid Petschl, Helga Lindner, Michaela Rebele, Helene Pfaller und Claudia Thumann (left to right.) are obviously happy about the new calendar
Ingrid Petschl, Helga Lindner, Michaela Rebele, Helene Pfaller und Claudia Thumann (left to right.) are obviously happy about the new calendar
The cover of the new „Himalaya 2016“
The cover of the new „Himalaya 2016“

The idea of selling calendars in order to raise money for charitable organisations is not at all ground-breaking. The NHB started doing this in 1997. Considering the upcoming costs of rebuilding five of our schools which were completely destroyed in this year’s earthquake, selling our calendars has never been more important than now. Furthermore the renovations for several other buildings also damaged by the earthquake need to be paid for.

Considering today’s run of 12,000 printed calendars, the beginnings can be called modest. The NHB started with 50 DIY-calendars featured by self-taken photos. The celebrated mountaineers Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner and her husband Ralf Dujmovits as well as the extreme climber Hans Kammerlander opened again – as they have been doing for many years now - their photo archives for the present edition of “Himalaya 2016”. Dieter Glogowski, a very famous German photo and TV journalist, has also contributed his photos this year for the first time. This is only one fact that makes the calendar special.

The calendar is 43.5 x 40.5 cm and consists of one cover, one sheet for each month and one for additional information. The pictures show fascinating impressions of the wonderful landscape, the culture and the people in the Himalaya region. The calendar which costs 17 Euro interests people from all over the world. Chile, Dubai, Australia, Vatican City, Georgia and Canada are countries on our distribution list.

It’s our aim to invest the proceeds of the sale in projects like schools, hospitals and the running costs of our children’s and elderly homes. 

You can order a calendar here on this webpage.

Or abut: 

Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.
Postfach 1211
92336 Beilngries

Also in: 

Regensburg: Buchhandlung Pustet, Gesandtenstraße 6
Beilngries:  Buchladen Barbara Duft, Hauptstraße 21 und Touristikbüro;
Berching: Cafe Mittelbach, Reichenauplatz 2
Dietfurt: Tourist Information im Rathaus
Parsberg: Buchhandlung Buchfink, Dr. Boecale-Straße 12