Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

32 Jahre Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

Beklemmende Nachrichten - Indische Corona Mutante grassiert auch in Nepal

Die Nachricht unseres Koordinators Sunil Shrestha kommt nicht überraschend, denn zu eng sind die Verbindungen Nepals zu seinem großen Nachbarn Indien.  Die indische Coronamutante B.1.617 ist in allen Regionen des Landes angekommen. Sie sei weitaus ansteckender als die hierzulande bekannte britische Mutante. Da tut die Nachricht gut, dass es zumindest mit den Impfungen vorwärts geht , wie aus der Mail vom 27.04.2021 zu entnehmen ist.

……Yesterday I have visited for a staff meeting in Kinderhaus and same time visited the Lubhu Disable Kinderhaus project site. We took several types of face masks and sanitizer liquid of 5 liters jar for few months in Kinderhaus. Same day manage with the ward chair to get the first shot of anti covid injection to our staff in Lubhu health post. First, one-half of staff will get shot today remaining half of staff will get shot tomorrow. 

Now, All over Nepal in all 77 District new variance of coronavirus is spread very rapidly, an everyday number of infected people is increasing very fast, according to Nepal Health Ministry and Hospital management there is no bed for new patients, so it is a very bad situation coming. The government has announced there will be a lockdown from Thursday. it seems again a big problem is coming to face by Nepalese people.  This is due to the open border of India also. Hope you are updated from the website and news.