Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

32 Jahre Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

Local support

Mitarbeiter im Büro in Kathmandu

Sunil Shrestha und Shyam Pandit auf dieser Seite vorzustellen hieße „Eulen nach Athen tragen“. Sie sind seit 30 Jahren die Ansprechpartner für alle Belange aus dem fernen Deutschland und zugleich koordinierendes Sprachrohr bei jedem einzelnen der Projekte, allen Anfragen und natürlich der Zusammenarbeit mit den verschiedensten Behörden und Organisationen des Landes. Die braucht eine externe Hilfsorganisation (INGO) zwangsläufig. Es würde den Rahmen dieser Präsentation sprengen wenn hier all die Aufgaben und deren Verwirklichung, seitens des Führungsduos aufgelistet wären.   

Als Büroleiter fungiert Gupta Bahadur Bhandari. Seit Anfang diese Jahres ist der 43-Jährige Mitglied unseres Teams. Er hat einen Masterabschluss in Soziologie; Zusammen mit seiner Frau und der 16-jährigen Tochter lebt Bahadur Bandari in Lokanthali, einem Vorort von Kathmandu. Ursprünglich kommt er aus dem Gorkha Distrikt. 

Der zweite Mitarbeiter ist Sakar Lamichhene. Neben der Schreibtischarbeit in der Verwaltung ist er auch als Fahrer im Einsatz. Wer den Verkehr in Kathmandu kennt, weiß dass dies für den 37- Jährigen eine tägliche Herausforderung darstellt. Mit seiner Frau und den beiden Söhnen lebt er im Zentrum Kathmandus. Er stammt aus dem Nuwakot Distrikt, nordwestlich der Hauptstadt gelegen.

Country Representative Sunil Krishna Shrestha
Country Representative Sunil Krishna Shrestha
Project Coordinator Shyam Raj Pandit
Project Coordinator Shyam Raj Pandit
Office Manager Gupta Bahadur Bhandari
Office Manager Gupta Bahadur Bhandari
Office Secretary cum Driver Sakar Lamichhane
Office Secretary cum Driver Sakar Lamichhane

Dedicated team of local supporters

Gautam Das Shrestha (red shirt) and his successor Tara Pradham – leading figures of the Member Board
Retired teacher Shyam Pandit distributing school documents to children
Sunil Shestha (2nd from left, standing) with backpacks for the students
Staff members and dear friends Sunil Shrestha (right) and Shyam Pandit (left) with renowned German extreme alpinist Ralf Dujmovits (2nd from left) and Cologne-based journalist Stefan Nestler

Nepalhilfe Beilngries is unimaginable without its dedicated team of local supporters. A nine-strong organisation committee (Member Board) including long-time chairman Gautam Das Shrestha made up of men and women in senior roles in business and government or whose expertise makes them natural candidates for this volunteer position. The chairmanship will change in early 2018 as Gautam Das Shrestha retires and hands over to Tara Pradham, who himself has put in many years and lots of energy into volunteer work. This national counterpart to Nepalhilfe Beilngries  (a so-called NGO = non-governmental organisation) locally executes planned projects relating to the children’s house and its nursery garden in coordination with the members of Nepalhilfe Beilngries (itself an international non-governmental organisation, or INGO). In addition, the committee conducts on-the-ground research into a child’s economic and social background when a new admission request is received. Only if this kind of background check returns a positive verdict, will a decision be made to newly admit a child into Shaligram Children’s House. This is a crucial task and one which must be done in Nepal, not in Germany.

Our “extended arms” – Shyam Pandit and Sunil Shrestha

Our charity has been active for almost 26 years, and during all this time, they have been our contact persons, coordinators, advisors and more importantly, they have long become very good and very close friends. They are businessman Sunil Shrestha and teacher Shyam Pandit, and they have been working for us full time for many years. Our institutions’ remit and their far-flung network demans nothing less. As a member of the Board, Sunil also coordinates the activities at the Children’s House. This includes making sure staff is paid on time, but also liaising with government authorities, human services organisations, but also travellers to Nepal carrying our aid merchandise or who simply want to have a first-hand look at our facilities there.

Who better to entrust caring and supervising our schools than to a retired teacher? He had been head of our own Michl Dachler School in Kadambas for ten years before going on to the University of Kathmandu for two years and earning his master’s degree. The duo’s challenges multiplied in the aftermath of April 2015’s earthquake, but this was also when they proved their mettle. We cannot praise them enough from our distant vantage point. Our “headquarters” in Kathmandu would be powerless without them. Both can go about their work safe in the knowledge that there is an organisation based in Germany which canvasses the financial support for building new projects and maintaining existing ones.

Thank you for your efforts so far, Nepalhilfe Beilngries is lucky to have you!