Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

32 Jahre Nepalhilfe Beilngries e.V.

Fire engine for Nepal’s south

Die Beilngrieser Delegation besuchte bei ihrer Projektreise auch das bereits 2012 von der Feuerwehr Hachenburg gestiftete Feuerwehrauto in Bharatpur. Stolz wurde das Fahrzeug vorgezeigt, das sich bereits in zahlreichen Einsätzen bewährt hat, wie man den Beilngriesern versicherte. Es wurde sogar das Einsatzbuch gezeigt, in dem alle Einsätze des „neuen“ Feuerwehrautos verzeichnet waren. 

Ralf Petschl begutachtet das Feuerwehrauto
Ralf Petschl und Manfred Lindner begutachten das Feuerwehrauto
Ralf Petschl und Manfred Lindner beim technischen Check
Ralf Petschl und Manfred Lindner begutachten das Feuerwehrauto
Die Mannschaft der Feuerwehr Barathpur zusammen mit den Spendern aus Deutschland
Die Mannschaft der Feuerwehr Barathpur zusammen mit den Spendern aus Deutschland

Fighting fires in Bharatpur

The vehicle which was in best condition and fully functioning was polished and made-up by many helping hands of the voluntary fire fighters, that it was ready to be sent on its two-months journey to Nepal. The NHB was able to organize a smooth transport of the “red racer” from Hachenburg via Bremerhafen to Calcutta in India and from there to Bharatpur. It arrived in February 2012.

Because of its size the fire engine couldn’t be sent to Bhaktapur as originally planned, as it would have been too big for the narrow lanes of this town. Therefore the destination was the district of Barathpur where grass and forest fires often destroy the landscape. The town close to Chitwan National Park has never had its own vehicle for fighting fires, so they are looking forward to receiving the donation even more! In the meantime some of the local fire fighters have been instructed how to drive the vehicle safely and have been able to douse several large-scale fires this summer.

It wasn’t the first time that the municipality of Hachenburg has donated one of their discarded fire engines to a Nepalese town. In 2003 it was Bhaktapur’s turn, this year the fire-fighting vehicle goes to Bharatpur in the south of Nepal. 

Thanks a lot for this generous donation!

The huge fire engine has ...
... arrived in Barathpur.
Sunil Shresta is happy about the new fire engine!
Also the chairman of the Member board Gautam Das Shresta didn’t want to miss the chance to inspect the new vehicle.